Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Money is everything??

I've received this e-mail today and thot that it wud be wise to share with my fellow bloggers.

Let's to do some calculations here. In Malaysia the average family income
is RM3000 (Father works, mother doesnt). I understand there are a lot of
families whose income don't reach RM3000, but, to make things simple, lets
take RM3000 as the figure. ok la right?
Okay, let's start rolling with a family which has Papa, Mama, 1 daughter
and 1 son. ngam ngam..

Calculation starts...

Electricity and water bil RM100 (no aircond, no home theatre, no water
heater k?)

Telekom and Handphone bil RM100 (cannot make a lot of calls one you know?
NO Streamyx also)

Meal for the whole happy family RM775 (3 meals on RM25/day, RM25 for 4

Papa makan/teh tarik during working hours RM155 (RM5/day, RM5 can eat

Car repayment RM400 (a proton saga aeroback, 7 years repayment)

Petrol RM300 (Living in City, Jam) Go to work, bring son to school, only
can afford one car running.

Insurance RM650, (kids, wife and myself).

House repayment RM750 (Low cost housing repayment for 30 years, retired
still have to work to pay house!)

Tuition RM80 (got that cheap meh?? No, I don't think so)

Older children pocket money @ school RM20 (RM1/day, eat bread??)

School fees RM30 (enough ah??)

School books and etc etc. RM100 (always got extra to pay in school)

Younger children milk powder RM50 (cannot have the DHA, BHA, PHA one,

Miscellaneous RM100 (shampoo, rice, sauce, toilet paper)

oh wait!!! I have to stop here, so... No Astro, no movie @ cinema, no DVD,
no CD, no online, cannot KFC, cannot Mc Donald, cannot go Park walk during
weekend(petrol expensive), no chit chat on phone with grandparents, and

Let's use a calculator to total up... WALAO EI.. Shit! RM3610 already.. EPF
belum potong, income tax lagi,........oledi --- RM610... How to survive
laa tuan-tuan dan puan-puan sekalian???

Our Deputy Prime Minister ask us to change lifestyle? How to change? Don't
eat? Don't work? Don't send children to school and study? Besides that, I
believe in Malaysia population, there are millions of Rakyat Malaysia which
still don't earn RM3000/month!!!

What is this? Ini lah Malaysia Boleh.. Sorry.. it should be Malaysians
Boleh, because we're still alive and kicking!!
Our politicians must be mad!!!!!!


And still there's people who says money is not everything......???


ays_as said...

kais pagi makan pagi
kasi petang makan petang
itu pun kalau ada tpt nk dikais lagi...
hmmm apalah yg saya karutkan diatas tuh.. iskkkkk ...

Nore said...

bile baca these things..rase ngeri pon ade,as if mcm duit tu tak pernah cukup..lain ler kalau kite ni anak jutawan ke ape ke..

so..kena la berjimat cermat..

Tynna said...

money will never be enough Ugly..I am a single parent who used to work to make ends meet..

I've stopped working now but I try to buy and sell things to shops or frens..and I survive...Alhamdulillah!

Am just a gal said...

Adorable.. thanks for the calculation... luckily yet to get married... but frankly to me.. nowadays mana boleh hidup based on love only... money isn't everything, but can contribute something...

Ordinary Superhero said...

Money is not everything but it is ALMOST everything these days.

Nour said...

Reading this entry of yours memang menakutkan...as it is the reality!
It is so damn true, being single pun it doesnt help la for me..as I also pay bills and help sikit2 when it comes to my parents....Dunno for me sometimes I have to forego things that it is not highly important. That's life, can never have everything.

booGie said...

Sebab tu banyak gejala sosial berlaku. Orang banyak merompak sekarang. Tukar cara hidup ye?

UglyButAdorable said...

sememangnyer i paham karut marut u tu..life's tough kan..that's why i get really like"tolong laaa..money it's not everything...try hidup susah sekali sekala..baru tau langit tinggi rendah"

memang mengerikan especially utk yg nak masuk alam perkhawinan..it's like aku single nie pun sesak imagine kalau berdua?? tapi kalau kiter berusaha and always think that ader org yg lagi susah dr kiter..insya allah life will lead it's way..

ehh..interesting laaa..your business nie. can share some tips ka?? i'm now considering to take a lighter job and concetrate on side business..hhmmm...doa byk2 and hope Allah will lead me to the right path.

UglyButAdorable said...

~nzn~ & ~bro hero~
yes totally agree...money is not everything but it's part of everything...yet some people still take things easy..i wonder??

yes..that's what we call sacrifice kan?? tapi masih ader manusia yg preaching that money it's not everything..arrghhh!!!! geram!!!

yer mari la kiter tukar cara hidup kiter dan merompak org yg berkata money it's not everything tu!! inilah yg dikatakan..tak sedar diuntung...

gravtkills said...

change our lifestyle so that they can pocket more of our money into theirs

Idham said...

bukan selalu idham hilang kata-kata ...but, adess...entry adorable ni membawa realiti kedepan mata...
patutla my eldest son merayu minta jgn charge dia sewa rumah...gaji pertama dia dpt end june tinggal sikit benar after tolak itu dan ini....

Kalau semua berniaga pulak....siapa yg nak beli....sbb majority pun living on negative cash flow.

ahhh..Pak Lah, boleh tolong ka?


Hajar said...

money IS everything la babe. lots of love-based relationships get ruined because of lacking the green stuff. these days, no money no talk. sedih kan? :-(

UglyButAdorable said...

intstead of gravtkill it shud be money kills ..hahh..hahh..yeah.. politicians nowadays bukan senang nak cari the genuine..if they're genuine tapi dapat plak bini kaki kikis..camner??

sad but true ainnit bro?? yeah but i think u shud be firm with your son..in his case is different if he falls u are there to support him, but teaching him the value of money tu yg important kan..i'm sure itu yg you are trying to do not simply being a cruel dad.. agak2 u ader cable kat pak lah or get his Son in law yg grad oxford tu figure out something for the rakyat..hehh..hehh

sememangnyer betul..menyedihkan but that's reality..hhmmm...

Freak and Geek said...

selalu duit tak cukup.. ntah bile boleh nak cukup agaknya, pikir hutang umah, utang kete, utang study loan.. sampai tua pun tak abih bayar.. so sad!

maklang said...

Duit sekarang ni ibarat air yang telah dicairkan...camana nih....

UglyButAdorable said...

itu leee...nak buek camno..but we survived..

cair.beku..cair..beku..pastuh terus cair..

MA said...

Aha...ada orang kata kat I, duit tu macam janggut - cukur hari ni besok tumbuh balik !

Hmm..the problem is, some ppl janggut lebat, some ppl janggut sejemput!

UglyButAdorable said...

ye la MA..nampak gaye kena la carik yg janggut lebat panjang berjela..hahh..hahh..hahh..

Nadia said...

wow! :D

Think of it this way though: Allah has already decreed our Rizq. It's not going to change unless He wills it.

Another way to look at it: the barakah from our money is gone. A little money we can't make go a long way maybe because of our lifestyle, maybe also because of other numerous factors, that would each contribute towards the loss of this barakah.

Maybe we indulge in riba, for sure the barakah will be gone. The barakah is gone from the money, from our sanity and lambat laun our happiness. I've seen this happen.

Frugality would be one way to handle it, and by frugality I mean really really sacrificing a lot of things we have been spoiled with.

Nevertheless, in the end, since Allah is fari and just we will all receive our compensations in the hereafter. So we shouldn't fret too much over money. Life is too short for that. IF we do have lots of money, there will be more at stake anyway, and there is not guarantee that if we have lots of money, they will all remain with us: they can get stolen, burned, washed away.

Tie your camel and put your trust in Allah. Usaha balanced with tawakkul.

UglyButAdorable said...

yup..the word is frugality. itu yg susahnyer..wo many things around that we've forgotten what is our priorities. sumernye nak. i sometimes wish..that if only i'm a little bit richer i will so all sort of good deeds. but reality nowaday proven that when we reach that rich stage we forget all our promises..