Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Help me - q/a session

Yesterday and today I was asked several questions on religious matters, not that I'm any pious than them but it's more of an opinion shared.

1. To do or not to do - Solat to the best we can which not necessarily complete 5 times a day and or not to do it all?

My answer was - Solat is part of the pillars therefore there should not be any excused at all for not doing it. Now this should be the answer right? However there's many people out there who thinks that doing 1 or 2 solat a day is better than nothing. Ader jugak pahala...so how do we respond to that??

2. Why muslims are not permitted to do body tatoo but we can color our hair?

My answer was - Yes we muslim are not permitted to do body tatoo. I know and I saw a q/a on this before. As for coloring of hair, to my best shallow knowledge at the moment we're only allowed to use henna and for muslim women this is only for the eyes of their husbands and their mahram. I promised this friend of mine an answer for this tatoo i.e he wants a hadith or fatwa's. I've tried googled using all words for this to a couple islamic webs but can't seem to find the answer.

If there's anybody out there that can help..it's much appreciated.

3. Someone told me this and I know she's so determined to believe it but just not strong enough to stand by it.

- A widow, if she has intention to re-marry, she does not need her parents consent (this is a case if her parents does not agree) because she's no longer obliged to it as how she was when she was single.
- A widow, does not necessarily need her father to be her wali for the nikah should he refused to do so for a certain reason.

I've tried to google on this too, but to no avail. I know for a fact that parents have responsibilities for their daughters until the day comes where she gets married and the responsibilities falls on the husband regardless of age.

How about a widow? What's her responsibilities and her parents responsibilities should she still have one? Is she still obliged to listen to her parents as how she has too when she was single or...??


Nore said...


my opinion on the solat thing,i agree with u,solat tu tiang agama,sebolehnye buat la 5 waktu tu.Islam tu tak menyusahkan,kalau tak sempat buat 5 waktu due to justifiable reasons,boleh qada or jama'. Actually byk hadith sahih on dosa tinggalkan solat ni..

on tattoo pulak,ade hadith psl ni,
Hadis Ibnu Umar r.a:
Rasulullah s.a.w mengutuk orang yang menyambung rambut dan orang yang meminta supaya disambungkan rambutnya, orang yang membuat tatoo dan orang yang meminta supaya dibuatkan tatoo

Hadis Abdullah bin Mas'ud r.a :
Allah mengutuk pembuat tatoo iaitu tanda pada badan yang dibuat dengan melarik, mencucuk dan memasukkan warna, orang-orang yang meminta supaya dibuatkan tatoo, orang-orang yang menghilangkan rambut pada muka serta orang-orang yang meminta supaya dihilangkan rambut pada wajahnya, serta orang-orang yang merenggangkan gigi demi kecantikan untuk mengubah ciptaan Allah...

Am just a gal said...

auch... speechless... dun know how to answer at all....

ayong said...

im more clueless than you..

Idham said...

have many views...but all personal views and not from hadith saheh...so, I will stay out since this is a request for hadith saheh and for good reason.



Jane Sunshine said...

hie thanks for dropping by my blog.