
Today my tiredness was being misunderstood by mom. It's my only off day of the week and I really need to rest around and do my errands at my own time without any pressure. As I pass no. 3 couple of years ago, I've beginning to understand myself bit by bit. Sometimes, me confused me, can anyone understand me? Heck..I sometimes don't. Adakah aku going to be senile?? Mintak dijauhkan Allah.
I'm a temperamental person, but throughout the years I've toned down a lot. I know now that when I'm angry or being attacked for no reason, it's best I walked away and come back later for confrontation, when I'm more calm.
I know now that I can forgive easily, not necessarily forget, but I'm learning to do that too. I hold no grudge to people who have hurt me intentionally or unintentionally.
Most importantly I hate it when people make plans for me without giving prior notice or assume that I'm always free just because I'm the only single in the family.
I saw a show on TV quite sometime ago, this shrink said to this lady - Go on Stephanie, express it, tell your father as if he's in front of you. Tell him how you feel about all the years of abusing you've endured.- You will feel better, even if he's 6 feet below. Let it go.
And that's what I'm going to now. Instead of talking, I'll write about it. Glad that my mom is still breathing while I'm writing this...
Assalamualaikum Dearest Mummy,
First of all, please accept my apologies for my uncalled behaviour this morning. It's absolutely not acceptable. I want to stress here that, mom you can always ask for my help at anytime, but I just wish that you give prior notice and even without notice, I may sulk like I always do, but I'll do it. I only have very limited rest day. I don't have luxury of what other siblings have. I cannot be going to the bank every rest day.
I don't understand where you stand on the fact that I sleep more then I work. Because I only sleep average of 5.5 hours everyday..rarely I get to sleep more because of the nature of my work.
Today, I somehow was not verbally rebellious to you like I always do. I kept silent and off course my expression shows frustration by the misinterpretation. But I sense that you wanted me to not shut up but instead talk back as how I always do. I was more perturbed by the fact that Ayu always like to "batu api" when situation like this happen.
Yes, I think I made your drop a tears or two today and this is not the first time, I admit and beg for your forgiveness, but she has to stop that kind of attitude. Always finding a chance to "tembak". How many countless time that she made you cried too?? With her new born tu and how she refused to follow yur advise and instead rely on the internet for everything. Like your experience giving birth to 7 children are nothing compared to the internet knowledge. Have I ever made situation worst? Nope, I always said, biarlah mom, she has a husband and now a mother, pandai-pandaila nak hidup. Let it be.
I know I'm not one of your best product. I'm not the smartest, I'm not even what every mother's dream. I'm fat, you always say so. Every achievement, it's not good enough because I'm fat. I'm still not married because I'm fat, you stressed this fact all the time, I know. Is it not matter that I'm happy? Doesn't it matter to you that I made it this far from the result of your upbringing? Is it still not enough of an achievement unless I'm slim as every mother's dream.
Nevertheless, I could not ask for a better mom. You've supported me all my life emotionally and materially. Please accept the fact of who I am. I try to change to suit your requirements, but I can only do so much. I'm freakin' 32 mom!! There's things I can change, there's things are stuck to me like glue. I cannot make you proud like Kak Long do, or please you like Ayu does, or make you feel at ease just by being present like adoi and abang.
If I'm granted a wish, I would wish to be slim just to make you happy.
If I can afford it, I would buy a man love to make you happy.
I would be a 4th wife just so I can give you 5g's a month, just to make you happy. Just so you dun have to work hard at this age. It's all children's dream to give their parents back wealth in return to the years of sacrifice and hardship.
All for you mom...but I'm sure that deep inside you would not want me to do something that will not make me happy kan?? Isn't that what mother's suppose to do?
And to my sister, please laaa...jangan suker jadie "fire stone". You know that's like a disease.... like a piece of splint that's stuck in you and remain there mencucuk-cucuk okeh!!!
Lots of love and kisses....
p/s - adakah hati aku relief?? a little bit yes...mamat kat coffee bean nie mesti ingat aku nie giler dari tadi asik lap mata aku yg berair nie...sensitive heart I have when it comes to my mom. I love her..I do..I just wish she would understand.
girl believe me I know how you feel...I keep telling myself over and over again...banyak bersabar..and I am gonna say the same thing to you too. Hang in there and never loose faith in yrself..being slim is not everything..what matters is you yourself is happy. Everytime she harps on the marriage issue..senyum je. I guess niat mothers ni baik..but they have to learn to accept their daughters for who she is. Take care ya.
It is always those whom you love that hurts you the most. Be patient, be true your self. Accept yourself and soon others will have no option but to accept you.
Big hugs.
I aM sO pRoUd Of YoU. tRuSt Me- MoM iS aLwAYs So FoRgIvInG aNd AlL yOu HaVe To Do Is AsK *wInK*
To ApOlOgiZe WhEn It Is NoT EvEn YoUr FaUlT iS a GrACeFuL aCt AnD mEanInG iT a PeRsOnAl IsSuE aS fAmILy iS fIxEd UnLiKe FrIeNdS WhIcH iS oThErwIsE-mY mOm
Sabarlah Dik, moga2 semua yang beraku adalah erbaik untuk mu...
Doa banyak2 and solat hajat banyak2 , InsyaAllah apa yang diinginkan akan tercapai jua...
what is this? daughter's confrontation with mom week? I had a talk down with my daughter too coz she told me that she can relate to other ppl but me..that's pure nonsense..
I did try to talk to her many times, but she always showed me an attitude..so now, I just dun ask..even that, I get the blame?
hmmm...I just forget abt it and she will be fine later..
Lil sista..you should by now know yr mom's character..just let it go..she has her bad days too and too bad , poor you gotta be the target..
chill, take three breaths and smile...all will be fine..OKe?
ini adalah sebuah entry yang paling berani pernah saya baca dalam sejarah saya memblog.
cam ni, sepertimana yg adik tulis dalam blog ni, rasanya macam tulah yg perlu adik berterus terang ngan ibu dgn rendah diri dan minta restu yang baik dan maaf dari ibu.
hidup ni seolah2 tersekat2 selagi persepsi ibu kita kepada kita tak baik walaupun kita tak ada salah apa2.
bila bertemu jodoh dan ada anak2 sendiri, kita cakap perkara2 yg baik2 pada anak2 kita sebab kata2 seorang ibu adalah doa (baik atau tidak).
*saya jarang nak menyibuk hal peribadi org tapi kali ni rasa perlu ... minta maaf ek
Heya dear...sniff sniff baca yr entry this time. I pun selalu jugak raise my voice kat my mom. Bknnyer intentional but im just loud like her. My dear, gemuk tu blh kurus. I was like you once, always feel insecure and feel like nobody loves me becoz of how I look. If you want to change the way you look then kena berusaha my dear...
I dont think your mom cares how u look like. she just wants you to be happy with how you look like. that's all
Beb, the most important thinghy is you, yourself.
Never ever blame yourself.
If other people cannot accept you as you are, then the problem lies with them, not you.
Be tough.
UBA... I want to offer you my BIG HUGGGG... Sabarlah... Dugaan Allah datang dalam berbagai-bagai bentuk... Maybe ini juga dugaan utk UBA...
Can't help you feel inferior of other siblings... don't lah feel like that. I know, you've your wonderful charms too... Don't compare you and KakLong, Ayu, Adoi or abng for that matter. You are special in your own way UBA.
I know you are a strong and gutsy person too.. so hang in there. Love and salaam.
babe.. i was once a rebel in the family. my arwah mak always pok pek asking me when i nid to settle down.. it was really wearying me out..but later i found out (when she already gone), the pok pek sounds came from my arwah mak is the greatest n soothin sound i ever heard..and im missin it. believe me.. be tough and hang in there...
appreciate and cherish ur mommi like there's no tomorrow..
sabar sabar ..
there's always reason for things to happen, if you can't find the reason - just remember that sometimes, something better left unexplained ..
u know where to find me...if ever u need a locker room pep talk ok.
*fat girls have feelings*
tks nour..it's somewhat relief to know that i'm not alone in this dilemma...
u take care too..
tks for the advise pokku..really appreciate it....maybe there's a truth in it..those who love hurts more with the intention of doing good deeds..
mom will be mom yeah.
~Mak lang~
thanks ML...appreciate it..:) biler la nak jumper yee..
hey..sis..i just sometimes wish she wud understand that's all..other than that she's an awesome lady..
bro..not at anytime terpikir pun that you are trying to menyibuk. i appreciate your comments..maybe ader truth that life seems hanging when we're not in the mom book..maybe.. i just wish she cud be teeny weeny bit understanding.. that's all
the think is..i'm ok with me..yeah sumtimes i wish i'm a supermodel..but that's just like a fantasy...but most of the time i'm content with me..maybe health is a concern..but that;s about it. but everytime she bring the issue up on weight n connect it with me being single..i feel like i want to walk away..
taking deep breath....yes i'll be strong..tks..:)
sis...malunyer..i think my prob is just a tiny speckle of dust compared to your..and here i am complaining..
aa..u know laa sis..the family kan...sometimes hati nie terasa jerr...
i'm trying real hard...i;m only human also..i know all those thins..people kept telling me that..i know i'll miss her. i just wish she understand that's all..a lil' compassion..
hei.bert..aper kabar..lamer tak nampak..singgah jugak kadang2..how are u bro?
memang lah kena bebanyak sabar..tarik nafas panjang2...
tks love...i definately know where to find you...emmuahh...
hope u feel better by now sis....
u sporting :-)
Laaa, mana pegi gua punya komen semalam?
Tak pe lah. Take care Sis.
breathe in breathe out repeat 3X then another 3X then another 3X ... sibuk2 pun sempat meng"hop" to my place - thanks.
hang in there, love!
feelin' bit better..but mom still not talking to me...sabar jer laaa..
~Bro Hero~
lerr...maner pergi yek?? u take care too bro...
will always have time for a dear virtual friend..:)
hangin' tough!!..tks sis..
patience. trust me. ur true love is out there.
chubby mama
tks chubby mama..:)
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