Well I didn't actually win anything instead I got them as presents.... So what did I get....not many but it's special.
Yeaah..I loicke Tweety...I tot i taw a putty tat..I tit..tit.... Did I mentioned my friend hand made this card. She does lovely cards....cute ehh??
I bought these for me...It's hard for me to find sandals that fits me perfectly and this one fits me perfectly..It was also cheap..only RM39.90...hehhh..hehhh..now I know where to go for comfy cheap sandals...they have many collections of gorgeous sandals...I loickee.....:)
Me friend above...just know how to get me things. Just what I need...a bag to match my sandal..
Tengkiu...tengkiu...mak lang for this lovely bag...again specially handmade for moi!!! Cantekkk!!! me sukerrr....
Taaraaaaa!!!! 3 new things to add into my list...I so like earth color things..
This one above...mak lang made it for my friend...hehhhehheee..she actually like mine, the flower design. But since it was my birthday...so I get pick first...tengkiu dodie....
What did lose?
Arggghhhhh!!! This is the painful part. On Monday, I went to BB to breakfast with couple of office mates. We took the monorail at Bukit Nanas and got down at BB. I thot someone was pushing me extra hard and felt like my bag was rummage thru. But I was on the phone. As soon as I got down the monorail I felt that I should check my bag and true to my instinct, my wallet was gone!!!! kapishh!!!!
Happened it a split second... Phone rang seconds before approaching the BB Station, the idiot must have noticed that I did not zip my bag when I took out the phone.
Memang dugaan!!!
What was gone?
4 ATM's card
Driving license which had my 18yp picture on it....grrrr
MyOldIc which had my 12yo picture on it...double grrr....sentimental yoo!!!
UK NI Card
MPH Membership card
Blood Identification card
Old UK Student card
London Tube Map
EPF Card
Cash about RM60ish...phewww...
and my GUCCI wallet I bought like 10years ago dgn titik peluh gaji maser muder muder....uwaaaa!!!!! me cannot afford that now...you know how leather gets better year after year.....uwaaaaa!!!!!
Ya Allah..berikan lah aku tahap kesabaran yang tinggi...and please if someone finds my wallet, please call me, my name card is in there.....sedihh woooo....
Lepas buka puasa, straight to police station. Then called 4 banks on the way back home.
I must give credit to HSBC for having the most efficient telebankers!!! My call was picked up in less than 2 minutes...
MBB....comes 2nd
PBB...3rd place
And the worst among the lot....
RHB!!! damn machine voice was entertaining me for like what seems ages!!! like 10 minutes or so!! Blood sucking bank!!! Sajer taktik nak perabih bill henfon aku!!!
I hope the contact number they gave on the fliers of Nurin(the missing child) is reliable.
Sungguh menduga kan indeed.....
I hope next week will be better. Ouhh...and I was called for an interview. I went and was told they will call me next week. Not gonna put my hope high this time...we'll see...
UBA love that sandal I can never find so easily that fit me...kirim belikan bolih?...hahaha
So sorry abt the wallet being stolen I had same experienced too once I was with walkman walking but felt something pulling as I cross the road and what do you know?this indon guy look back and smile at me when he overtook me!6th sense made me look at sling bag and yep it was opened and my Jane Shilton wallet was gone with cash abt $200/- along with few credit cards..I know what you mean when hotline takes too long to be answered!!!Hope some nice person who found the wallet will return it to you alol they want is the $$
awww...sad to hear about ur wallet. Its very leceh getting all your cards and stuff back.
but, on the bright side, thats a really really nice bag
good luck with the interview
I love that hand made bags. Rajin jahit tangan tuuuuu....
Wallet baru beli kat Braun Buffel la, sebab I ada discount card kat situ. Hehehehe.
laaa....kesian dia...siapalah yang punya tangan jahat tu...bulan posa pulak tu.
Lovely hand made bag!! I mmg sungguh tak creative. Tgn keras nak buat bag2 cam tu
Sorry to hear abt your wallet my dear. Mmg menguji kesabaran betul kan? Hopefully, the guy didnt use your credit card
Kesian. Cobaan la tu. What has the country come to? And the banks, adding to your misery. Cobaan lagi. But you sound ok, which is good. May you be rewarded with a successful interview, sistah.
Friends always remind me to be extra careful at monorail BB because of the extreme crowd during peak hours. I guess I have to more and more careful after this.
Dugaan to you sis, take care.
so sowwie for the lost :-(
i forgot that BB is Bukit Bintang ... i thought it stands for Batang Berjuntai :-)
"i tot i taw a putti tat" - i hate that bird ... purrrrrrrrrr
cantikla the handmade bags..:) Very nice.
Anyways, I pernah kena copet juga masa naik bas when I first started work. When I took my money to pay for the tix, I lupa nak zip the bag balik..so I guess ada org cepat tangan dah sedar. Anyways I was lucky, a security guard found my wallet and cards bersepah kat padang..dia hantar those important things to me kat rumah after a few hours.
Second time, my wallet tercicir kat escalator KLCC (my mistake), the nice kawalan guys called me to collect the wallet.
Hopefully, someone jumpa la yr things and give u a call..Ada call card tak dlm tu?
~kak elle~
boleh sajerrr...kak elle size aper, insya allah boleh ler uba carikkan...kat kedai nie ader size uba..tu yg suker tuhh..nak buat camno..kaki lebar
i really hope sumone finds it..duit tu kalau ader i bagie kat finder tuh..i just need all the other things in the waller...uwaaa!!!
~iced nyior~
sian kan I...bensi org tu!!!
takper laaa...what goes around comes around..
tks sistah!!
psstt..psst.. tu braun buffel belaper byk discount?? mak tgh tight budget niehhh..al maklum ler baru balik holiday..hehh..hehhh
cantikkan beg tu?? silalah buat tempahan kat mak lang..dier yg buat..engineer by day, designer by night..hehhh..hehhh and also a great cook!!
~mak lang~
tu la geram I!! sabo jer laaa...
~cosmic gurl~
tgn keras?? hahahhaaa.samer la tu i pun tgn keras campur bangku..tak kreatif lansung..jahit butang baju bleh laaa..
nasib takder credit card... and nasib i did use my ic as my pin card for atm..people seems to do that nowadays...danger yo!!
~bro WA~
tu laaa bro!! sick ainit??
tks bro..semoga bertuah la kali ini..insya Allah...
~bro hero~
yes bro, your friends are right indeed...be extra coutious!!!
memang mendugakan!!
btg berjuntai bro??? hehheheee...that'd be the day btg berjuntai have monorail..hihiihiii...
auwww..u hate meee (blinking my tweety eyes)...come to mama..
exactly like that. MO diaorg sruper jer..memang dah usha tu..
yup my call cards are in there..mintak-mintak la jumper..
i hate tweety bird.eawww..
but i love the handmade bag. cantik. buat kan utk i satu. tapi gambar tengkorak ok??
sian u...takpe la dugaan dibulan Romodhan..cam i gak..kena tahan ngan polis tapi tak kena apa2 *motiff..
The most important thing, tuan punya badan tak hilang. Sorry to hear yang old sentimental value tu tak dapat dicari ganti. For London tube map tu boleh download dari tenet. Kalau nak hard copy, boleh tolong poskan dari sini. Good luck with the interview.
*SpEeChLeSs* WhY bAd ThInGs AlWaYs HaPpEn To GoOd PeOpLe. SaBaR jE dOrAeMoN..
I had bad experiences with them.
auuwww...but i woveee youuuu!!!!
mak raser kan nyah, posa telah membuatkan ko tersasar motif!! hahahaaa....
hahahaaaa..the day I hilang...is the day I'm kurus!!! my mom will be so please!!!
itu tube map adalah sentimental value jugak..sbb dah macam belacan, buat guide maser duk sanerr dulu...
sabo jer la kan...:( nak buat camno... bad things happen to anyone..:(
big time bro...big time!!!
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