Alternative solutions, combine various entries in one entry.
Here goes...
16th november we celebrated Hanzallah's birthday. It was a small family gathering and whacking of cakes...delicious!!! And yes Moi sang for the birthday boy as always...
Enjoy the pics and the not so "merdu" singing...heheheheee...
And this was what made me 45minutes late to work on a sunday morning..Damnit!! At least I made it, some others had to walk pass the barrier and risk of being accused of joining. And then we, my colleague and I had to ease this guest who was supposed to have a full dress rehearsal for a wedding due that night...ouhhh...what a nightmare. He almost wanted to cancel the whole thing. But my sweet talking GM manage to sweet talk him and the rest was history. But the work we had to do??? Me in my jacket under the hot was almost unbearable..
In the office we are asked to write our employee number and type of sickness everytime we produce the medical chit. So here's what my staff wrote on her chit.
I had a fit reading this....the whole office cracked with laughter... sabo jer laaa
happy belated birthday Hanzallah
Nice singing there :-)
hehehe ... dara tinggi ... hehehe
Happy birthday to Hanzallah too....cannot blame them lah Mas ...Dara2 lah jgn tulis lain aje...
ThIs PoSt MaKe Up My EmO dAy EsPeCiAlLy ThE hInDraF pArT.
50 yEaRs Of InDePeNdEnCe ThEn OnLy tHeY DecIdEd To ApPlY fOr BrItIsH cItIzEnShIp AnD oThEr PeRKs ClAiMiNg *WiNk*( JOkEs Of ThE dAy At My OfFIcE lIkE tHe Mc SlIPs-FyI sAmE eFfeCt !! ) AlSo HaPpY bIRtHDaY hAzAlAh bOy ...
Muahahaha. So anyway, itu dara tinggi naik apa macam punya rupa?
The mc bit was super hilarious. Thanx for sharing with us.
hihiii...macam katak puru daaaa suara... glad you're back
~kak elle~
tu laaa kak elle..maner dtg dara pun tak tau aa
~sean emo~
aiyoo bro jgn emo sgt...nanti stress :)
hehehheee...i'm still trying to figure it out..
super hillarious giler kann...the whole office gelak..tapi after the staf gone laaa..jaga skit muker...
dara itu sungguh tinggi... hehe...
Got time to peep on you today. Nice read. I dedicate my day reading blogs today. How do you like that?
Have a good life dear!
wahahaha...surat mc paling bagus! sungguh original..
slmt harijadi kat adik hanzallah. sedapnyer nama. eh eh serupalah umur ngan anak che, 2 tawun gak!
uba, lu dulu cheerleader sekolah ke? lu punye sora ada sket high decibel...hehe
kalau kencing manis?
happy belated...
kita tak blh tgk video lar.. menci!!
selamat hari raya aidil adha ... maaf zahir dan bathin dan selamat menyambut tahun baru 2008.
Glory Glory Man United!!!!
What?? That was 4 days ago?? So?? GLory GLory Man United!!!!
Kalau darah rendah?
"Dara sikit kurang"
uba, u're being tagged by moi! pls come to my blog to check it out. dont try to hide under yr table ok? i can see yaaa!
Dara ada tinggi rendah, naik turun? Solid laugh this.
yee...dara itu sunggulah tinggi...hehehehee
salam bro..tks for dropping by. ife must be pretty busy for you ehh... happy new year you and family.. yup i understand you...sometimes we allocate a day for that...
auuwww...tks kc..samer ngan hanzallah kan..isn't that their sweetest years..i want them to remain like that...hahahahaaaa...
cheerleader?? muahahaaaaahhh....kelakos la you nieee...
~red raven~
say it again.....muahahahaaaaa..muahahaaaaaahhh
kencing dara?? nyehhh...nyehh...
alaaaa..why kenot see video?? takper...takpe..happy new year to you btw..
selamat hari raya aidiladha to you too bro...semoga pengorbanan kita semua dirahmati Allah s.w.t
~red raven~
yeahhh..glory glory man united!!!! dun matter bro..4 days or 4 years...we'll still be the best...
spot on!!!
hehehehee...tagged lagie...okeh..okeh.... will do..
~bro wa~ kan??
good to see u here...
UbA - berap kali datanga belum ada update here's my new year wish for you. happy new year!
Wahai cik adik! Ni dah Bulan Jan 08 tau. Bila nak update blog u ni? Dah bersawang cam rumah Spiderman dah..hehehe
Lama tak update nih...FB ke?
Ni lama tunggu tak update-update ni. Ni nak cari jalan naik dara la ni.....
Halloooooo, anybody home?
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