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Here goes...
16th november we celebrated Hanzallah's birthday. It was a small family gathering and whacking of cakes...delicious!!! And yes Moi sang for the birthday boy as always...
Enjoy the pics and the not so "merdu" singing...heheheheee...
And this was what made me 45minutes late to work on a sunday morning..Damnit!! At least I made it, some others had to walk pass the barrier and risk of being accused of joining. And then we, my colleague and I had to ease this guest who was supposed to have a full dress rehearsal for a wedding due that night...ouhhh...what a nightmare. He almost wanted to cancel the whole thing. But my sweet talking GM manage to sweet talk him and the rest was history. But the work we had to do??? Me in my jacket under the hot was almost unbearable..
In the office we are asked to write our employee number and type of sickness everytime we produce the medical chit. So here's what my staff wrote on her chit.
I had a fit reading this....the whole office cracked with laughter... sabo jer laaa